Write the Experiments section in your individual overleaf project.
Recommended length: 100 - 200 lines (including tables and figures).
Submit the PDF version of your current draft up to the Experiments section.
Data Section: are the sources and choices of the datasets reasonably explained? (1 point)
Data Split: are the statistics of training/development/evaluation or cross-validation sets distinctly illustrated? (2 points)
Model Descriptions: are the models designed to soundingly distinguish differences in methods? (2 points)
Evaluation Metrics: are the evaluation metrics clearly explained? (2 points)
Experimental Settings: are the settings described in a way that readers can replicate the experiments? (1 point)
Model Development: is the model development progress depicted? (1 point)
Result Tables: are the experimental results evidently summarized in tables? (2 points)
Result Interpretations: are the key findings from the results convincingly interpreted? (2 points)