Provide the overview of your project.
Elaborate on your approach and reference the Approach section:
In this paper, we present APPROACH to improve CHALLENGE (Section #).
You may need to describe multiple approaches if your work serves multiple objectives.
Explain the hypothesis underlying your approach by specifying which methods are expected to address particular issues:
We hypothesize that METHOD can resolve ISSUE because REASONS.
Our approach uses METHOD to resolve ISSUE because REASONS.
What distinguishes "approach" from "method"?
How do we differentiate between "challenge" and "issue"?
Specify the types of data and/or models used to evaluate your approach, explain the reasons for using them, and reference the Experiments section for detailed information on this aspect:
Our approach is evaluated on DATA with MODELS (Section #).
You may not want to mention the exact names of the datasets or models, but instead refer to their types to emphasize the generalizability of your work.
Provide a high-level description of the primary findings from the analysis that offer supporting evidence for your hypothesis, and reference the Analysis section where a comprehensive breakdown of the results can be found:
Our experiments show that FINDINGS (Section #).
At this stage, you do not know the outcomes of the experiments. Thus, write your expected findings here.
List specific contributions of your work:
This work makes THREE main contributions as follows:
We create a new dataset for TASK.
We introduce a new model for TASK.
MODEL achieves the state-state-of-the-art performance on TASK.
A real system is built for TASK.
Indicate the primary contribution of your work (if any):
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that does APPROACH for TASK.
This work will facilitate the development of ...