Faculty Interests

During this class hour, you will work in small teams to explore a chosen faculty member's expertise, review recent publications, and develop original research ideas. Through a combination of collaborative exploration and individual contribution, you will gain practical insight into the research process and deepen your understanding of specific AI subfields relevant to the chosen faculty members, ultimately preparing you for potential future research collaborations or projects in the field.


  1. Navigate to [People → Faculty Interests*] in Canvas and form a team of 2-3 members who share interest in the same faculty member.

  2. Explore the selected professor's website to identify their primary research areas and current focus.

  3. Review the professor's recent publications (last 2-3 years) to understand their ongoing research projects and latest contributions to the field.

  4. Each group member should develop two potential research ideas that align with the professor's areas of expertise as well as Interest you personally (for potential collaboration).

  5. Create a concise slide presentation summarizing the above activities (one per group), and submit it to [Assignments → Exercises → Faculty Interests] in Canvas.

  6. Prepare to deliver a short (5-minute) presentation of your slides in class.

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