
Bibliography Style

Our template uses acl_natbib.bst to format the bibliography, indicated in acl.sty:


Bib Entries

Our template uses custom.bib, is indicated at the bottom of acl_latex.tex, for adding references to be included in the paper:


Any preprint must be checked whether or not it has been published to a peer-reviewed venue. If it has, use the reference from the peer-reviewed venue instead of the preprint source such as arXiv.

Keep the following conventions to add entries in the bib file:

- For key, make sure there is no duplicate.

- For title, surround the text with curly braces; otherwise, the title will be lowercased in print:

    Title = {{Building a Large Annotated Corpus of English: The Penn Treebank}},
    Title = "{Building a Large Annotated Corpus of English: The Penn Treebank}",

- For booktitle or journal, do not use acronyms but the full venue names. For instance, the following is good:

Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics},

whereas the following is bad:

Booktitle = {Proceedings of ACL},

Also, do not append the acronym in parentheses at the end of the venue name. For instance, remove (ACL) from the following::

Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)},

Use the series field rather to indicate the acronym.

- For series, use the format acronym'year (e.g., ACL'20), where acronym is the acronym of the venue and year is the last two digits of the published year.

- For pages, put two dashes between the first and the last pages (e.g., 1--10).

- For url, add the link to the original source of the paper (e.g., ACL Anthology).


Use \citet when the reference is used in context:

\citet{devlin-etal-2019-bert} introduced BERT.
BERT was introduced by \cite{devlin-etal-2019-bert}.

Use \cite when the reference is used outside of the context:

BERT is a transformer-based contextualized embedding model \cite{devlin-etal-2019-bert}.

Use \citealt when the reference is used inside of parentheses:

Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT; \citealt{devlin-etal-2019-bert}) is used to generate token embeddings.

Last updated