2.4. Multi-turn Dialogue

Create a multi-turn dialogue flow.

All examples in the previous session are single-turn dialogues, where users get to interact with the system only once. Let us design a multi-turn dialogue:

transitions = {
    'state': 'start',
    '`Hello. How are you?`': {
        '[{good, fantastic}]': {
            '`Glad to hear that you are doing well :)`': {
                '[{how, and}, {you, going}]': {
                    '`I feel superb. Thank you!`': 'end'
        'error': {
            '`Got it; thanks for sharing.`': 'end'
  • #5: after the system says "Glad to ...", it matches the input with those conditions.

  • #6: if the condition in #5 is true, the system responds with "I feel superb ...".

S: Hello. How are you?
U: Good!
S: Glad to hear that you are doing well :)
U: How are you doing?
S: I feel superb. Thank you!

The condition in #6 does not come with the default action indicated by an error transition. Let us create an error transition for it:

def multiturn_dialogue() -> DialogueFlow:
    transitions = {
        'state': 'start',
        '`Hello. How are you?`': {
            '[{good, fantastic}]': {
                '`Glad to hear that you are doing well :)`': {
                    '[{how, and}, {you, going}]': {
                        '`I feel superb. Thank you!`': 'end'
                    'error': {
                        '`You are the best!`': 'end'
            'error': {
                '`Got it; thanks for sharing.`': 'end'

    df = DialogueFlow('start', end_state='end')
    return df

if __name__ == '__main__':
  • #10: prompts the error statement for any other inputs.

S: Hello. How are you?
U: Fantastic!
S: Glad to hear that you are doing well :)
U: Thank you!
S: You are the best!

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