4.6. Quiz


You aim to create a chatbot that makes a movie or a song recommendation. Your system should conduct dialogue including the following aspects:

  1. Greet with respect to the current time and/or weather.

  2. Ask about the user's name (with a different way of asking each time the user logins).

  3. If it is the first time the system sees the name, then prompt the first-time greeting. Otherwise, greet by asking about its previous recommendation.

  4. Recommend a movie or a song, depending on the user's request. Do not make the same recommendation more than once for each genre.

  5. If the user requests a different recommendation, make another suggestion.

  6. Provide more information about the recommendation upon request.

Here is an example dialogue for a user talking to this chatbot for the first time:

S: Good afternoon; it's sunny today. What should I call you?
U: Call me Jinho.
S: Hi, Jinho. Nice to meet you. What do you want me to recommend?
U: A movie, please.
S: How about "Spider-Man: Homecoming"? It's my personal favorite.
U: I've already seen that.
S: Got ya. How about "The Sound of Music"? It's classic.
U: Sure, I'll watch that one. Thanks.
S: Don't mention. 

Here is an example dialogue for a user coming back for the second time:

S: Good morning; it's cloudy today. What's your name?
U: I'm Jinho.
S: Welcome back, Jinho. Did you get to watch "The Sound of Music"?
U: Yes, I did. I loved it.
S: Wonderful. What else do you want me to recommend?
U: Maybe, a song?
S: How about "Raining Tacos"?
U: What is it about?
S: It's a fun children's song by Parry Gripp.
U: Sure, I'll listen to that.
S: Enjoy!

Your chatbot should give an appropriate response to every user response.

Task 1

  1. Create a Python file quiz4.py under the quiz package.

  2. Update it to design a dialogue flow for the chatbot.

Task 2

Create a PDF file quiz4.pdf that describes the following:

  • Sample dialogues that your chatbot can conduct.

  • Explanations of your approach.


  1. Commit and push quiz4.py to your GitHub repository.

  2. Submit quiz4.pdf to Canvas.

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