6.3. Quiz


Your task is to evaluate your team chatbot given the following instructions:

  • This is an individual assignment. Each member must evaluate the team chatbot separately.

  • You need to evaluate at least 5 categories (e.g., team evaluation). Give a clear description of each category. You are welcome to discuss them with your team; however, your description must be original.

  • Create a static form to evaluate your chatbot. Your form should include a metric (e.g., Likert scale of 1 - 3) to evaluate each category and ask for reasons for the assessment.

  • Find a group of 10 people suitable to interact with your chatbot. Each interactor will evaluate your chatbot after one or more conversations using the static form.


Submit quiz6.pdf summarizing your evaluation results, including:

  • Your evaluation categories and their descriptions.

  • Quantitative analysis of your chatbot using the metric.

  • Qualitative analysis of your chatbot using assessment reasoning.

  • Based on the analyses, potential improvements can (or should) be made.

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