5.3. Information Extraction

Consider that you want to extract someone's call name(s) during a dialogue in real time:

S: Hi, how should I call you?
U: My friends call me Jin, but you can call me Jinho. Some students call me Dr. Choi as well.

Design a prompt that extracts all call names provided by the user.

Let us write a function that takes the user input and returns the GPT output in the JSON format:

def gpt_completion(input: str, regex: Pattern = None) -> str:
    response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
        messages=[{'role': 'user', 'content': input}]
    output = response['choices'][0]['message']['content'].strip()

    if regex is not None:
        m = regex.search(output)
        output = m.group().strip() if m else None

    return output
  • #2-6: uses the ChatCompletition model to retrieve the GPT output.

  • #8-10: uses the regular expression (if provided) to extract the output in the specific format.

Let us create a macro that calls MacroGPTJSON:

class MacroGPTJSON(Macro):
    def __init__(self, request: str, full_ex: Dict[str, Any], empty_ex: Dict[str, Any] = None, set_variables: Callable[[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]], None] = None):
        self.request = request
        self.full_ex = json.dumps(full_ex)
        self.empty_ex = '' if empty_ex is None else json.dumps(empty_ex)
        self.check = re.compile(regexutils.generate(full_ex))
        self.set_variables = set_variables
  • #3: the task to be requested regarding the user input (e.g., How does the speaker want to be called?).

  • #4: the example output where all values are filled (e.g., {"call_names": ["Mike", "Michael"]}).

  • #5: the example output where all collections are empty (e.g., {"call_names": []}).

  • #6: the regular expression to check the information.

  • #7: it is a function that takes the STDM variable dictionary and the JSON output dictionary and sets necessary variables.

Override the run method in MacroGPTJSON:

def run(self, ngrams: Ngrams, vars: Dict[str, Any], args: List[Any]):
    examples = f'{self.full_ex} or {self.empty_ex} if unavailable' if self.empty_ex else self.full_ex
    prompt = f'{self.request} Respond in the JSON schema such as {examples}: {ngrams.raw_text().strip()}'
    output = gpt_completion(prompt)
    if not output: return False

        d = json.loads(output)
    except JSONDecodeError:
        print(f'Invalid: {output}')
        return False

    if self.set_variables:
        self.set_variables(vars, d)
    return True
  • #2-3: creates a input prompt to the GPT API.

  • #4-5: retreives the GPT output using the prompt.

  • #7-11: checks if the output is in a proper JSON format.

  • #13-14: updates the variable table using the custom function.

  • #15-16: updates the variable table using the same keys as in the JSON output.

Let us create another macro called MacroNLG:

class MacroNLG(Macro):
    def __init__(self, generate: Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], str]):
        self.generate = generate

    def run(self, ngrams: Ngrams, vars: Dict[str, Any], args: List[Any]):
        return self.generate(vars)
  • #3: is a function that takes a variable table and returns a string output.

Finally, we use the macros in a dialogue flow:

transitions = {
    'state': 'start',
    '`Hi, how should I call you?`': {
        '#SET_CALL_NAMES': {
            '`Nice to meet you,` #GET_CALL_NAME `. Can you tell me where your office is and when your general office hours are?`': {
                '#SET_OFFICE_LOCATION_HOURS': {
                    '`Can you confirm if the following office infos are correct?` #GET_OFFICE_LOCATION_HOURS': {
        'error': {
            '`Sorry, I didn\'t understand you.`': 'end'

macros = {
    'GET_CALL_NAME': MacroNLG(get_call_name),
    'GET_OFFICE_LOCATION_HOURS': MacroNLG(get_office_location_hours),
        'How does the speaker want to be called?',
        {V.call_names.name: ["Mike", "Michael"]}),
        'Where is the speaker\'s office and when are the office hours?',
        {V.office_location.name: "White Hall E305", V.office_hours.name: [{"day": "Monday", "begin": "14:00", "end": "15:00"}, {"day": "Friday", "begin": "11:00", "end": "12:30"}]},
        {V.office_location.name: "N/A", V.office_hours.name: []},

The helper methods can be as follow:

def get_call_name(vars: Dict[str, Any]):
    ls = vars[V.call_names.name]
    return ls[random.randrange(len(ls))]

def get_office_location_hours(vars: Dict[str, Any]):
    return '\n- Location: {}\n- Hours: {}'.format(vars[V.office_location.name], vars[V.office_hours.name])

def set_office_location_hours(vars: Dict[str, Any], user: Dict[str, Any]):
    vars[V.office_location.name] = user[V.office_location.name]
    vars[V.office_hours.name] = {d['day']: [d['begin'], d['end']] for d in user[V.office_hours.name]}

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