4.2. Balanced BST

This section discusses abstraction of binary search trees.

A binary search tree gives the worst-case complexity of O(n)O(n)for searching a key when it is not balanced, where nn is the number of nodes in the tree:







O(n)+βO(n) + \beta


O(logn)O(\log n)

O(logn)+αO(\log n) + \alpha

O(logn)+βO(\log n) + \beta

To ensure the O(logn)O(\log n) complexity, it needs to be balanced at all time (or at most time).


There are 4 cases of unbalanced trees to be considered:

  • Left linear \Rightarrow [3, 2, 1]

  • Right linear \Rightarrow [1, 2, 3]

  • Left zig-zag \Rightarrow [3, 1, 2]

  • Right zig-zag \Rightarrow [1, 3, 2]

These cases can be balanced by performing rotations as follows:

What should happen to the subtrees (red/orange/green/blue triangles) after the rotations?

Abstract Balanced Binary Search Tree

Let us create an abstract class AbstractBalancedBinarySearchTree that inherits the abstract class AbstractBinarySearchTree:

public abstract class AbstractBalancedBinarySearchTree<T extends Comparable<T>, N extends AbstractBinaryNode<T, N>> extends AbstractBinarySearchTree<T, N> {
     * Rotates the specific node to the left.
     * @param node the node to be rotated.
    protected void rotateLeft(N node) {
        N child = node.getRightChild();

        if (node.hasParent())
            node.getParent().replaceChild(node, child);


     * Rotates the specific node to the right.
     * @param node the node to be rotated.
    protected void rotateRight(N node) {
        N child = node.getLeftChild();

        if (node.hasParent())
            node.getParent().replaceChild(node, child);


Where does node end up being after the rotations?

The followings demonstrate how the rotateLeft() method works:

Let us override the add() and remove() methods that call the abstract method balance():

public N add(T key) {
    N node = super.add(key);
    return node;

public N remove(T key) {
    N node = findNode(root, key);

    if (node != null) {
        N lowest = node.hasBothChildren() ? removeHibbard(node) : removeSelf(node);
        if (lowest != null && lowest != node) balance(lowest);

    return node;

 * Preserves the balance of the specific node and its ancestors.
 * @param node the node to be balanced.
protected abstract void balance(N node);
  • L3: calls the add() method in the super class, AbstractBinarySearchTree.

  • L4: performs balancing on node that is just added.

  • L14: performs balancing on node that is the lowest node in the tree affected by this removal.

  • L24: defines a balancing algorithm for a specific type of balanced binary search trees.

What are the worst-case complexities of the add() and remove() methods above?

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