8.2. Prim's Algorithm

This section discusses Prim's Algorithm that finds a minimum spanning tree in an undirected graph.

Prim's algorithm finds a minimum spanning tree by finding the minimum edge among all incoming edges of visited vertices.

Let us define the MSTPrim class inheriting the MST interface:

public class MSTPrim implements MST {
    public SpanningTree getMinimumSpanningTree(Graph graph) {
        PriorityQueue<Edge> queue = new PriorityQueue<>();
        SpanningTree tree = new SpanningTree();
        Set<Integer> visited = new HashSet<>();
        Edge edge;

        add(queue, visited, graph, 0);

        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            edge = queue.poll();

            if (!visited.contains(edge.getSource())) {
                if (tree.size() + 1 == graph.size()) break;
                add(queue, visited, graph, edge.getSource());

        return tree;
  • L9: adds the vertex 0 to the visited set and its incoming edges to the queue.

  • L11: iterates through all incoming edges:

    • L14: if the visited set contains the source vertex, adding the edge would create a cycle.

    • L16: if the tree contains v-1 number of edges, a spanning tree is found.

    • L17: repeats the process by adding the source of the edge.

The add() method can be defined as follows:

private void add(PriorityQueue<Edge> queue, Set<Integer> visited, Graph graph, int target) {

    for (Edge edge : graph.getIncomingEdges(target)) {
        if (!visited.contains(edge.getSource()))
  • L4-7: adds all incoming edges that have not been visited to the queue.

What is the worst-case complexity of Prim's Algorithm?

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