6.3. Quiz

This section provides exercises for better understanding in disjoint sets.


  • Create the DisjointSetQuiz class under the set package.

  • Assume that the find() method in the DisjointSet class uses the baseline approach:

    public int find(int id) {
        return (subsets[id] < 0) ? id : find(subsets[id]);
  • A disjoint set can be represented by a tree. Update the main() method in the DisjointSetQuiz class that would result the following tree:


Write a report quiz6.pdf that includes the followings:

  • Describe how the values in the subsets[] array changes after each call in the main() method.

  • Describe how the values in the subsets[] array would change after calling find(0) once all keys are added as above, assuming that the find() method in DisjointSet class uses the efficient approach:

    public int find(int id) {
        return (subsets[id] < 0) ? id : (subsets[id] = find(subsets[id]));

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