1.3. Unit Testing

LongInteger: unit tests.

Test: LongInteger()

Let us create a testing class called LongIntegerTest and make a unit test for the constructors:

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;

public class LongIntegerTest {
    public void testConstructors() {
        // default constructor
        assertEquals("0", new LongInteger().toString());

        // constructor with a string parameter
        assertEquals("12", new LongInteger("12").toString());
        assertEquals("34", new LongInteger("+34").toString());
        assertEquals("-56", new LongInteger("-56").toString());
        assertEquals("-0", new LongInteger("-0").toString());

        // copy constructor
        assertEquals("12", new LongInteger(new LongInteger("12")).toString());
        assertEquals("-34", new LongInteger(new LongInteger("-34")).toString());
  • L6: the @Test annotation indicates that this method is used for unit testing.

  • L7: methods used for unit testing must be public.

  • L8: tests the default constructor

    • assertEquals(): compares two parameters where the left parameter is the expected value and the right parameter is the actual value.

  • L12-15: tests the constructor with a string parameter.

  • L18-19: tests the copy constructor.

When should we use import static instead of import?

When you run this test, you see a prompt similar to the followings:

Tests passed: 1 of 1 test

Test: multiply()

Let us define another method for testing the multiply() method:

public void testMultiply() {
    LongInteger a = new LongInteger("123456789");

    a.multiply(new LongInteger("1"));
    assertEquals("123456789", a.toString());

    a.multiply(new LongInteger("-1"));
    assertEquals("-123456789", a.toString());

    a.multiply(new LongInteger("-1234567890123456789"));
    assertEquals("152415787517146788750190521", a.toString());

    a.multiply(new LongInteger("0"));
    assertEquals("0", a.toString());

    a.multiply(new LongInteger("-0"));
    assertEquals("-0", a.toString());

Test: compareTo()

Let us define a method for testing the compareTo() method:

public void testCompareTo() {
    assertTrue(0 < new LongInteger("0").compareTo(new LongInteger("-0")));
    assertTrue(0 > new LongInteger("-0").compareTo(new LongInteger("0")));

    assertTrue(0 < new LongInteger("12").compareTo(new LongInteger("-34")));
    assertTrue(0 > new LongInteger("-12").compareTo(new LongInteger("34")));

    assertTrue(0 > new LongInteger("-34").compareTo(new LongInteger("12")));
    assertTrue(0 < new LongInteger("34").compareTo(new LongInteger("-12")));

Unit testing provides an effective way of ensuring the correctness of your program. Making a unit test for every method is standard practice, although this standard is often dismissed due to time pressure.

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