10.4. Quiz

This section provides exercises for better understanding in dynamic programming.

Tower of Hanoi

Write a report quiz9.pdf that includes answers to the followings.

  • As n increases from 1 to 10, how many times does the auxiliary solve() method get called recursively in HanoiRecursive and HanoiDynamic?

  • Is there clear patterns between n and the number of the method calls made by these classes? Explain the patterns if exist.

Longest Common Subsequence

Include answers to the followings in quiz9.pdf:

  • Explain what the values of the dynamic table mean in the LCSDynamic class.

  • LCSDynamic pre-populates the dynamic table before making any recursive calls. Is it possible to find a LCS with dynamic programming by populating the dynamic table while making recursive class.

You may need a different type of a dynamic table to populate it while making recursive calls.

Extra Credit

  • Create the LCSQuiz class under the dynamic.lcs package.

  • Update the solveAll() that returns all longest common subsequences between two strings.

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