3.5. Quiz

Quiz 3: Sorting Algorithms


Shell Sort: Hibbard

  • Create the ShellSortQuiz class under the sort.comparison package that inherits ShellSort.

  • Override the populateSequence() and getSequenceStartIndex() methods such that it performs Shell Sort by using the Hibbard sequence: 2k1{1,3,7,15,}2^k - 1 \Rightarrow \{1, 3, 7, 15, \ldots \}.

  • Feel free to use the code in ShellSortKnuth.

Radix Sort: MSD


  • Create the SortQuizTest class under the test sort package.

  • Test the correctness of your TernaryHeapQuiz using the testRobustness() method.

  • Add more tests for a more thorough assessment if necessary.


  • Compare runtime speeds between ShellSortKnuth and ShellSortQuiz for random, ascending, and descending cases using the testRuntime() method.

  • Compare runtime speeds between LSDRadixSort and RadixSortQuiz for random cases.

  • Create a PDF file quiz3.pdf and write a report that includes charts and explanations to compare runtime speeds between:

    • ShellSortKnuth and ShellSortQuiz.

    • LSDRadixSort and RadixSortQuiz.


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