9.3. Quiz

This section provides exercises for better understanding in network flow

Augmenting Paths

An augmenting path is a directed path between the source and target vertices; no need to worry about residuals for this quiz.

  • Create the NetworkFlowQuiz class under the graph.flow package.

  • Update the getAugmentingPaths() method that returns all augmenting paths between the specific source and target vertices using depth-first traverse.

Extra Credit

  • Create the NetworkFlowQuizExtra class and update the getAugmentingPaths() method such that it uses breadth-first traverse instead of depth-first traverse.

Simplex Algorithm


Write quiz8 that includes:

  • The worst-case complexity of your getAugmentingPaths() method.

  • An explanation of when the depth-first traverse is preferred over the breadth-first traverse and vice versa to find augmenting paths.

  • An objective function and is constraints to find max-flow.

  • An objective function and is constraints to find min-cut.

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