2.5. Quiz

Quiz 2: Priority Queues


  • Create a class called TernaryHeapQuiz under the main queue package that extends the abstract class AbstractPriorityQueue.

  • Each node in TernaryHeapQuiz takes up to 3 children, so it becomes a ternary instead of a binary tree.

  • Override the required abstract methods, add(), remove(), and size(), such that both add() and remove() give O(log3n)O(log_3 n).

  • Feel free to use the code in BinaryHeap.


  • Create the TernaryHeapQuizTest class under the test queue package.

  • Test the correctness of your TernaryHeapQuiz using the testRobustness() method.

  • Add more tests for a more thorough assessment if necessary.


  • Compare runtime speeds between BinaryHeap and TernaryHeapQuiz for add() and remove() using the testRuntime() method.

  • Create a PDF file quiz2.pdf and write a report that includes the following:

    • A table and a chart to compare speeds between the two priority queues for those two methods, add() and remove(), with respect to different input sizes.

    • A brief explanation of why a certain PQ is faster than the other PQ with respect to different input sizes.


1. Commit and push everything under the following packages to your GitHub repository:

2. Submit quiz2.pdf to Canvas.

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